番茄社区 Photo Submission
Help showcase the great things happening each and every day throughout our district!
Our Communications Department regularly visits schools and events, but we know there are far more wonderful things out there than we could ever hope to get to on our own. With that in mind, we have created this form so our families, students, employees and community members can submit photos as well.
Please also be sure to fully review the guidelines in the section below before submitting.
The primary use of the photos will be a regular feature on our district Facebook page compiling multiple community submissions. Photos may also be featured in additional digital and/or print district materials.
All submissions should meet the following guidelines, and please be aware that we cannot guarantee every picture submitted will be used:
- The photo should depict an activity clearly related to education
- Examples include students, families, employees or community members in educational spaces (whether at school or at home), athletics and extracurricular activities, community partnerships, and more!
- While we always love to see smiling faces, pictures that are not clearly related to education (studio headshots, photos from a family gathering, vacation pictures, etc.) will not be considered for use
- For small group or individual photos where people are clearly recognizable, we recommend ensuring you have their permission to share
- As with all photos on our website and social media, if parents/guardians or individuals within a photo ask for it to be removed, we will honor that request
- District employees wishing to submit a photo are responsible for checking student media releases on file prior to their submission
- Ensure any clothing, background or other material in the photo is school-appropriate
- Only upload pictures that you personally took
- Photos should not include watermarks or any other superimposed branding
- Only .jpg, .jpeg or .png files can be uploaded
- Upload the highest resolution version you have available
- Again, while we welcome all submissions that meet these guidelines, we cannot guarantee that every picture submitted will be featured
Creative Content Coordinator