番茄社区 swimming at Albany High

A photo of the Albany High pool

The Albany High School pool will be open for community swimming two mornings a week beginning Tuesday, Nov. 19.

The pool will be open from 7-7:45 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday when school is in session. 番茄社区 swimming will not take place on days the school is closed. Please reference the City School District of Albany calendar for planned closures due to scheduled holidays and breaks.

On days with inclement weather, you can visit our website or check our social media channels (@albanyschools) for updates on school closures. 

Swimming is free and open to all Albany residents 18 years of age and older. Bathrooms, showers and locker rooms will be available for use during the 7-7:45 a.m. timeframe.

Please note there is a change from previous years for parking and entering the building. Please park in the upper Washington parking lot. All swimmers must enter the building through the main entrance to the school building and go through security.

Swimmers should bring a valid ID and provide contact information when signing in (email and phone, so that we may contact you with any changes or updates to the schedule).

Please note that due to security procedures, all swimmers must exit the building no later than 7:45 a.m.

We look forward to welcoming community members to the Albany High swimming pool!