Amplifying student voices on the Board of Education

Group discussion - board of education members and students

Albany High School students had a wonderful opportunity Wednesday to learn about opportunities to represent their peers by joining the City School District of Albany Board of Education beginning next school year.

During Wednesday's lunch periods, Board President Sridar Chittur, Ph.D., Vice President Tabetha Wilson, and members Hassan Elminyawi and Vickie Smith talked with students about the value of student input and the importance of students' perspective when it comes to shaping the future of board policy and program decisions.

In the coming months, the board will be working to identify at least one and potentially more high school students to serve in an advisory role as non-voting board members. One student will attend each board meeting beginning next school year to represent the voices of students in the district across all grades.

This is part of a statewide initiative that Governor Hochul signned into law last fall. The new law takes effect July 1.

Having student representation on the board will provide pathways for student voices to be more consistently considered, sharing their informed perspective on how decisions that leaders are making impact their learning, growth, safety and well-being.

During Wednesday's , students had the chance to ask questions, share comments, express areas of concern and give honest thoughts about student leadership on the board. There will be additional ways for students to learn more about this compelling leadership opportunity through the winter and early spring.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our board members for volunteering their time to visit Albany High to engage in thoughtful conversation with our students, inspiring them to consider this amazing chance to listen, learn and lead! Stay tuned for more information as the board's process moves forward.