- Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Feb. 6 (4-7 p.m.) and Feb. 7 (12-3 p.m.). To sign up for a slot,
- DATE CHANGE! Albany High School Principal Jodi Commerford will now be coming to speak with our eighth-grade students this Friday (Jan. 15) about courses that will be available to them as Albany High ninth graders. If you missed it, here is the . The information will support students as they prepare to work with their guidance counselors to choose their classes for their freshman year at Albany High School!
- ICYMI on Facebook: Life skills are learned here! finishing up model house builds last week.
- This month's Parent Univeristy will focus on community violence outside of the school day. It's scheduled for .
- Update from the :
- Our next in-person meeting is scheduled for Jan. 15 at 5:30 p.m.
- Save the date! We are running a fundraiser in collaboration with . Support a wonderful local business, earn 15% of sales for the PTSA and enjoy a great meal.
- Please consider joining the Myers PTSA. will be used to fund in-school and extracurricular events and trips.
- We wanted to give you a heads up about Albany Water Department work that could affect drop off and pick up Thursday and Friday (Jan. 16-17). It is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 2 p.m. But please be aware that crews will be in the area.
- Our after-school programming still has openings!
- The Vegetable Project invites you to show your support for its amazing hands-on programming at Myers by
- Jan. 15: Students dismiss at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate staff PD
- Jan. 15: PTSA meeting, 5:30 p.m.
- Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Day (NO SCHOOL)
- Jan. 27: , noon-9 p.m.
- Jan. 29: Lunar New Year (NO SCHOOL)
- Jan. 31: Q2 grades close
- Feb. 6-7: Parent/Teacher conferences (NO SCHOOL 2/7)
- Feb. 13: Winter Wonderland Dance, 5-7 p.m.
- Feb. 14: Q2 Perfect Attendance Breakfast
- Feb. 17-21: Winter Recess (NO SCHOOL)
- Feb. 26: Students dismiss at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate staff PD
- Feb. 28: Quarter 2 Honor Roll Ceremony
- March 19: Students dismiss at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate staff PD
- April 8-11: NYS ELA testing
- April 21-25: NYSESLAT Speaking testing
- April 29-May 2: NYS math testing
- May 9: Quarter 3 Honor Roll Ceremony
- May 12-22: NYSLEAT Listening, Reading and Writing testing
- May 13: NYS science testing
- May 14-16: NYS science make-ups